The SP2-XR delivers accurate, size-resolved single particle measurements of black carbon mass and size with real-time, direct output suitable for monitoring applications and field research.

Leverage real-time output of black carbon mass and size for individual particles to support monitoring and field work. Plus, easily synch your data with other environmental monitoring data (weather, criteria pollutants, etc.). Capture variances in black carbon make-up to enhance model effectiveness with single particle detection. Simplify your data analysis with Intuitive, streamlined direct output of measured and derived parameters, including mass and particle size.  Target particles critical to primary pollution characterization with incandescent particle detection as low as 50nm.

SP2-XR Software

The SP2-XR user interface enables straightforward data analysis due to intuitive, streamlined direct output of measured and derived parameters, including mass and particle size.

Parameter Specification

Measured Parameters

Single-particle laser incandescence Single-particle light scattering

Derived Parameters

Single particle black carbon mass Single particle size distribution for purely scattering particles

Auxiliary Parameters

Temperature – Air, Computer, Laser Pressure – Cavity and Flow Controller Flow – Sample and Sheath

Particle Size Range Scattering Channel: 100-500 nm diameter Incandescent Channel: 50-800 nm diameter (Assumes black carbon density of 1.8 g/cm3)Laser

Nd: YAG Laser – 1064 nm, up to 1 MW/cm2 intracavity circulating power

Sample Flow30-120 standard cm3/min

Computer System Intel i7-6600U CPU 8 GB RAM 128 GB mSATA SSHDWeight13 kg (28.5 lbs)

Dimensions W: 20 cm, H: 21.5 cm, L: 40.5 cm, not including inlet hardware and fuses