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Fixed gas detection systems

As a health and occupational safety expert, it is crucial to understand the importance of gas detection systems in various industries. These fixed systems are designed to detect and transmit signals of specific gases in the workplace, ensuring the safety of workers and the environment. These systems consist of sensors and transmitters that can be integrated into dedicated controllers, allowing the detection of gas concentrations in real-time. With the ability to connect to other centralized control systems, these fixed systems provide an efficient and reliable method of detecting and alerting unwanted gas presence, triggering specific actions when necessary. In this category page, we will explore the various types of fixed gas detection systems and their applications in different industries.

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What is the purpose of gas detection systems in industrial settings?

The purpose of gas detection systems in industrial settings is to detect the presence of hazardous gases in the workplace and provide early warning to workers and management. These systems are designed to continuously monitor the air for the presence of dangerous gases, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and methane, among others. The gas detectors are calibrated to trigger an alarm or alert when the concentration of a gas reaches a predetermined level, allowing workers to take immediate action to mitigate the risks associated with gas exposure. The goal of gas detection systems is to prevent accidents, protect worker safety, and minimize damage to equipment and facilities.

How do gas detectors differ from home gas detectors?

Gas detectors used in industrial settings, such as fixed gas detection systems, differ from home gas detectors in several ways.

  • Firstly, industrial gas detectors are designed to detect a broader range of gases than home gas detectors, which are typically limited to detecting carbon monoxide and natural gas. Industrial gas detectors can detect a variety of toxic and combustible gases, depending on the specific requirements of the industry or application.
  • Secondly, industrial gas detectors are often more durable and rugged than home gas detectors. They are designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures, high humidity, and exposure to chemicals and other contaminants.
  • Thirdly, industrial gas detectors are typically part of a larger monitoring system, which may include multiple sensors and centralized control panels. In contrast, home gas detectors are often standalone devices that are manually installed and operated by homeowners.

Finally, industrial gas detectors are subject to more stringent regulatory requirements than home gas detectors, and may require regular maintenance, calibration, and testing to ensure accuracy and reliability.

What are the different types of gas detectors used in fixed gas detection equipment?

There are several different types of gas detectors that can be used in fixed gas detection equipment, each with its own sensing technology and measurement capabilities. Some of the most common types of gas detectors include:

  • Catalytic sensors: Used to detect combustible gases, such as methane, propane, and hydrogen. Catalytic sensors work by measuring the heat generated by a chemical reaction between the gas and a heated catalyst.
  • Infrared sensors: Used to detect gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. Infrared sensors work by measuring the absorption of infrared light by the gas.
  • Electrochemical sensors: Used to detect toxic gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, and ammonia. Electrochemical sensors work by measuring the current produced by a chemical reaction between the gas and an electrode.
  • Photoionization detectors (PID): Used to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other gases that can be ionized by ultraviolet light. PIDs work by measuring the ionization of gas molecules as they pass through a UV lamp.
  • Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) sensors: Used to detect gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane. MOS sensors work by measuring the change in resistance of a semiconductor material as it interacts with the gas.

The choice of gas detector depends on the specific application and the type of gas being monitored. For example, a combustible gas detector would be appropriate for detecting gas leaks in a natural gas pipeline, while an electrochemical sensor would be more suitable for detecting toxic gases in a chemical processing plant.

How do fixed gas detection systems alert workers of gas leaks?

Fixed gas detection systems are designed to provide early warning of gas leaks in the workplace, and they use a variety of alarm methods to alert workers of potential hazards. When gas is detected, the system triggers an alarm or alert signal, which can be transmitted to a variety of devices, such as:

  • Audible alarms: Fixed gas detection systems may include loud audible alarms that sound in the presence of hazardous gas levels. These alarms can be heard throughout the facility and are designed to warn workers of potential danger.
  • Visual alarms: In addition to audible alarms, fixed gas detection systems may include visual alarms, such as flashing lights or strobes, to alert workers of gas leaks. These visual signals can be particularly useful in noisy or high-traffic areas.
  • Remote alarms: Some fixed gas detection systems are designed to send alarm signals to remote monitoring stations or control rooms, where trained personnel can take appropriate action. These remote alarms may be transmitted via phone, email, or text message.
  • Wireless alarms: Some fixed gas detection systems are designed to integrate with wireless communication networks, allowing alarms to be transmitted directly to workers’ smartphones or other mobile devices.

Regardless of the type of alarm used, it’s important that workers are trained to recognize and respond to alarm signals quickly and appropriately. This can help minimize the risks associated with gas exposure and prevent accidents in the workplace.

What are the benefits of using fixed gas detection equipment in the workplace?

Using fixed gas detection equipment in the workplace offers several benefits, including:

  • Early warning of gas leaks: Fixed gas detection systems provide early warning of gas leaks, allowing workers to take appropriate action before the gas reaches hazardous levels. This can help prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities in the workplace.
  • Increased safety: By providing continuous monitoring of gas levels, fixed gas detection systems can help increase safety in the workplace, particularly in high-risk environments where hazardous gases are present.
  • Compliance with regulations: Many industries are subject to regulatory requirements for gas detection and monitoring. Using fixed gas detection equipment can help ensure compliance with these regulations, reducing the risk of fines and other penalties.
  • Improved productivity: By providing early warning of gas leaks, fixed gas detection systems can help prevent downtime and production delays caused by accidents or emergency shutdowns.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: Fixed gas detection systems typically require less maintenance than portable gas detectors, which need to be calibrated and maintained on a regular basis. This can help reduce maintenance costs and increase the reliability of the gas detection system.

Overall, using fixed gas detection equipment can help create a safer, healthier, and more productive workplace, while also reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

How often should gas detectors be calibrated in a fixed gas detection system?

The frequency of calibration for gas detectors in a fixed gas detection system depends on several factors, including the type of gas detector, the manufacturer’s recommendations, and the specific requirements of the industry and regulatory agencies.

In general, gas detectors should be calibrated at regular intervals to ensure accurate and reliable operation. For most fixed gas detection systems, it is recommended that gas detectors be calibrated at least once every six months. However, some manufacturers may recommend more frequent calibration, such as every three months, depending on the specific detector and its usage.

Additionally, some industry and regulatory standards may require more frequent calibration, such as every three months, every month, or even daily. These requirements may be based on factors such as the type of gas being detected, the potential risks associated with the gas, and the specific requirements of the industry.

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for calibration frequency and to document all calibration activities. Regular calibration and maintenance can help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the gas detection system, reducing the risk of false alarms, missed alarms, or other issues that could compromise the safety of workers in the workplace.

What are the common gases detected by fixed gas detectors in industrial settings?

The specific gases detected by fixed gas detectors in industrial settings depend on the particular application and potential hazards present in the workplace. However, some common gases that may be detected by fixed gas detectors include:

  • Flammable gases: Fixed gas detectors may be used to detect flammable gases, such as methane, propane, and hydrogen. These gases can pose a significant fire or explosion risk if they accumulate to dangerous levels.
  • Toxic gases: Fixed gas detectors may also be used to detect toxic gases, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and chlorine. These gases can cause serious health problems or even death if workers are exposed to high levels over a prolonged period.
  • Oxygen: Fixed gas detectors may also monitor oxygen levels in the workplace. Low oxygen levels can cause dizziness, confusion, and other symptoms, while high oxygen levels can increase the risk of fire and explosion.
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): Fixed gas detectors may also detect VOCs, which can be released by various industrial processes and can have harmful effects on human health and the environment.

The specific gases detected by fixed gas detectors will vary based on the industry, the nature of the work being done, and the specific hazards present in the workplace. It’s important to carefully evaluate the potential hazards and choose the appropriate gas detectors for the job.

What safety measures should be taken when using fixed gas detection equipment?

When using fixed gas detection equipment, it’s important to follow proper safety measures to ensure the equipment operates correctly and effectively. Some key safety measures include:

  1. Proper installation and maintenance: Fixed gas detection equipment should be installed by qualified technicians according to manufacturer instructions and maintained regularly to ensure accurate and reliable operation.
  2. Regular testing and calibration: Gas detectors should be tested and calibrated regularly to ensure they are functioning properly and providing accurate readings.
  3. Proper placement: Gas detectors should be placed in areas where gas leaks are most likely to occur, such as near equipment or storage areas where gas is present. They should also be placed at a height and distance from potential obstructions to ensure accurate detection.
  4. Employee training: Workers should be trained on the use and importance of fixed gas detection equipment and how to respond to alarms or other alerts.
  5. Emergency response planning: Employers should have a clear plan in place for responding to gas leaks, including evacuation procedures, and make sure employees are trained on these procedures.
  6. Regular inspection: Fixed gas detection equipment should be regularly inspected for damage, wear and tear, and other signs of deterioration that could affect performance.

Following these safety measures can help ensure that fixed gas detection equipment operates correctly and effectively, reducing the risk of gas leaks and protecting the safety of workers in the workplace.

How does a fixed gas detection system integrate with other safety systems in the workplace?

Fixed gas detection systems can integrate with other safety systems in the workplace to provide a comprehensive safety solution. Here are some examples of how fixed gas detection systems can integrate with other safety systems:

  • Alarm systems: When a gas leak is detected, a fixed gas detection system can trigger an alarm to alert workers to the potential danger. This alarm can be integrated with other safety systems, such as fire alarms or emergency lighting systems, to ensure workers are alerted quickly and can evacuate the area safely.
  • Ventilation systems: In some cases, a gas leak can be safely managed by using ventilation systems to disperse the gas and prevent it from reaching dangerous concentrations. Fixed gas detection systems can be integrated with ventilation systems to automatically trigger the system when gas is detected.
  • Building automation systems: Fixed gas detection systems can be integrated with building automation systems to automatically shut down equipment or systems that may be contributing to the gas leak. For example, if a gas leak is detected near a gas-powered boiler, the fixed gas detection system could automatically shut down the boiler to prevent the leak from escalating.
  • Emergency response systems: Fixed gas detection systems can also be integrated with emergency response systems, such as emergency response teams or local emergency services, to ensure a quick and effective response in the event of a gas leak.

Integrating fixed gas detection systems with other safety systems in the workplace can help provide a comprehensive safety solution that protects workers and prevents accidents.

How can a company determine the best type of fixed gas detection system for their specific industry and environment?

To determine the best type of fixed gas detection system for a specific industry and environment, a company should follow these steps:

Identify the potential gas hazards: Identify the types of gases that may be present in the workplace and their potential sources. This information can be obtained through a hazard assessment or risk analysis.

Determine the detection range: Determine the range of gas concentrations that need to be detected based on the potential hazards and the safety requirements of the workplace.

Evaluate the environment: Evaluate the physical characteristics of the workplace, such as the size and layout of the area where the gas may be present, as well as temperature and humidity conditions.

Consider the type of gas detectors: There are different types of gas detectors available, such as infrared, catalytic bead, and electrochemical detectors. Consider the advantages and limitations of each type of detector and select the type that is best suited for the specific gas hazard and environment.

Determine the number and placement of detectors: Determine the number of detectors required and their placement based on the potential hazards, the detection range, and the physical characteristics of the workplace.

Select the control unit: Select a control unit that can monitor and control the gas detection system, and has the necessary features to meet the specific requirements of the workplace.

Consider maintenance requirements: Consider the maintenance requirements of the gas detection system, including sensor replacement, calibration, and testing, and select a system that can be easily maintained.

Follow industry standards: Ensure that the selected gas detection system meets industry standards and regulations, such as OSHA, NFPA, and ANSI standards.

By following these steps, a company can determine the best type of fixed gas detection system for their specific industry and environment, and ensure the safety of their workers. It’s important to consult with qualified professionals, such as safety experts or gas detection system manufacturers, to ensure that the selected system meets the specific requirements of the workplace.

How to choose the right Fixed gas detection system for my workplace?

Choosing the right fixed gas detection system for your workplace depends on several factors, including the type of gas to be detected, the size and layout of the area, and the specific safety requirements of your industry. It is important to consult with experts in gas detection to ensure the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained for reliable and accurate results. Inteccon offers a range of advanced fixed gas detection solutions to meet the unique needs of your workplace, providing cutting-edge performance, reliability, and accuracy for maximum safety and protection.

GFG Models

​​GfG Instrumentation is a company that has been dedicated to reducing risks for over six decades through their portable gas detectors and fixed gas detection systems. With a focus on protecting people, industrial plants, and the environment, GfG operates globally with production sites and sales offices around the world. The company is committed to providing high-quality products, advice, and services that meet the highest standards and comply with national and international regulations.

CI 21

This product is a fixed gas sensor designed specifically for monitoring Ammonia levels in cooling systems. Its advanced Injection Carrier Charge technology offers longer life and resistance to high concentrations of Ammonia. With a range of available options and low cross-sensitivity, this sensor is an economical and robust solution for measuring Ammonia levels accurately, eliminating false alarms and providing stability even in cold environments. It has a 4-20 mA output signal, degree of protection IP54, and operates through 10-30 VDC current. The sensor has a 2-year warranty and an expected life of 3 years.

ZD 21

The Fixed gas sensor for oxygen monitoring is a durable and fast-responding sensor that provides low-cost oxygen deficiency warnings. With a range of 0-25% Vol, this zirconium sensor is ideal for environments where oxygen levels can rapidly and unexpectedly decrease. The sensor is resistant to CO2 exposure, immune to environmental changes in temperature, pressure, or humidity, and has a 4-20 mA output signal. The sensor’s life expectancy is up to 5 years, making it a reliable and cost-effective solution for oxygen monitoring.

EC 21

The fixed gas sensor for monitoring toxic gases is an electrochemical sensor designed to measure toxic gases such as Ammonia (NH3), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), among others. It offers great durability with a sensor life expectancy of up to 5 years, and is an easy and low-cost solution for measuring toxic compounds in various industrial applications. The sensor operates through 10-30 VDC current and provides a 4-20 mA output signal. Several ranges are available for the gas to be measured, making it versatile and suitable for various monitoring needs.

CS 21

This product is a fixed gas sensor designed for monitoring toxic gases, vapors, and highly sensitive fuels. It uses chemisorption technology for fast response and long sensor life, making it an effective and cost-efficient solution for detecting compounds such as Acetone, Dichloromethane, Natural Gas, Ethanol, Ethylene, Methane, Butane, Hexane, Nonano, among others. The sensor is easy to use, has several available ranges for gas measurement, and can operate through 10-30 VDC current. The output signal can be 4-20 mA or 0.2-1 mA.

CC 22

The CC 22 is a fixed sensor for combustible gases that uses catalytic cell technology, with a percentage range of 0-100% LEL (lower limit of explosiveness) and a T90 response time of less than 30 seconds. It operates within a temperature range of -10 to 50°C and humidity of 0-90% RH, and has an analog output signal of 0-20 mA, 0.2-1 mA, or Modbus RS 485. It operates by current 18-30 VDC and features an LCD display with color lighting options, making it easy to use and low-cost. The sensor has a protection grade of IP54 and is fitted with high-performance electronics for voltage stabilization, processing of readings, and temperature compensation, minimizing follow-up costs due to its long sensor lifespan.

EC 22

The EC 22 Series Transmitters are cost-effective and innovative gas detectors that can detect non-combustible toxic gases or oxygen levels without the need for explosion protection. Equipped with high-quality GfG sensors and advanced electronics, the EC 22 offers long-lasting sensors and compensates for temperature fluctuations to provide accurate readings. With sensors for a variety of gases and ranges, output signals, and an illuminated screen with LED status indicators, the EC 22 is user-friendly and easy to operate. Its signal processing includes compensation for temperature changes, error messages, and maintenance reports, and it has a protection grade of IP54.

ZD 22

The ZD 22 transmitter is a reliable and accurate device designed for long-term monitoring of oxygen concentrations. It features an amperometric oxygen sensor based on an electrochemical oxygen pumping cell made of zirconium dioxide, which is resistant to CO2 exposure and immune to changes in temperature, pressure or humidity of the environment. With a range of 0-25% Vol., the ZD 22 offers output signals of 4-20 MA or 0.2-1 ma or digital via Modbus, as well as an illuminated screen and LED status indicators. Its intuitive handling, compensation for temperature changes, and quick response time of less than 2 seconds make it easy to use and highly efficient. Additionally, the ZD 22 has a protection grade of IP54 and an expected 5-year life for the sensor.

IR 29

The IR 29 Transmitter by GfG Instrumentation is an innovative intrinsically safe infrared (IR) gas transmitter designed to detect individual combustible gases or a wide range of gases, making it ideal for explosion protection. With patented 4-beam 4-wavelength technology, it can measure combustible gases above the lower explosion limit without requiring oxygen. Available in two models, the IR 29i for hydrocarbons (LEL) and the IR 29Di with a graphical display, this is the first IR gas transmitter that can be used in Ex zone 0 and enables maintenance as well as replacement of the sensor head without additional expense when energized. The device features temperature, humidity, and pressure compensation, a built-in data logger, and high-contrast graphical display. The device is certified for Ex Zone 0 hazardous locations and is maintenance and service-friendly.

EC 28

The EC 28 Fixed Transmitter by GfG Instrumentation is a reliable and cost-effective gas monitoring solution designed for the detection of toxic gases, oxygen, and hydrogen. With plug-in smart sensor technology, the EC 28 makes it easy to replace sensors without opening the casing, and adjustments can be performed directly at the transmitter using touch keys or with the remote control.


The device features more than 10 sensor options, ranges in ppm and % Vol., and a 4-20 mA output signal. The EC 28 has an auto-calibration function for quick, accurate, and easy verification, an LCD graphic display, and an audible and visual alarm with high brightness LED. It is available with a blind transmitter option, with display and local alarm, and a relay or ModBus option. With intrinsically safe ATEX approval and a degree of protection of IP64, the EC 28 is a reliable and efficient choice for gas monitoring.

EC 30

This fixed gas sensor is a robust and reliable solution for monitoring toxic gases and oxygen levels in difficult and highly contaminated environments. Using electrochemical sensor technology, it offers more than 10 sensor options with ranges in ppm and % Vol. depending on the sensor chosen. The device features a 4-20 mA output signal with a maximum load of 300 Ohms, 2 alarm relays and 1 fault relay, an LCD graphic display, and an auto-calibration function for quick, accurate, and easy verification. The device operates with 250 VDC current and has a 3-line wiring system. With intrinsically safe approval and a degree of protection of IP64, this gas sensor is easy to operate and install, and provides a cost-effective solution for gas monitoring.

GMA 40

This 1 or 4 channel controller for fixed gas detection systems is an economical and robust solution for small systems that require a low number of measurement points. It offers compatibility with GfG transmitters and other brands for Fuel, Toxic, and Oxygen sensors with detection range depending on the sensor in ppm, % LEL, % Vol., or mg/m3.


The device features an input signal of 4-20 mA or 0.2-1 mA and a 4-20 mA output signal (Model GMA41), with 3 individually configurable alarms and 4 voltage-free output relays for alarms and NC and NO fault conditions. The digital 3-digit LED display with maximum and minimum function, and high brightness LED indicating system status (1 Green, 1 Yellow, 3 Red) make operation and monitoring easy. With an operating temperature range of 0-55 ° C, T90 less than 3 seconds, and 24 VDC current operation, this controller is ideal for easy installation and operation. Additionally, it has a siren and strobe connection for added safety.

GMA 200 MT

The GMA 200 controller series is a cost-effective and space-saving gas warning system that can connect up to 16 detectors. Compatible with GfG transmitters for combustible, toxic, and oxygen sensors, the device offers detection range depending on the sensor in PPM, % LEL, % Vol, or mg/m3. The GMA 200 has an input of 16 analog signals of 4-20 MA or 0.2-1 mA, 2 digital inputs, and 2 inputs RS 485 bus for connection of external modules of relays or digital transmitters in bus connection, and 1 RS 485 input for digital transfer of measurements and output data to a higher level control center or for connection to master relay modules.

The GMA 200 features 6 output relays (NO) fully configurable for a measuring point, alarm value, or multiple-point collective alarms, and 1 output Relay for faults (NC). It also has 2 4-20 mA analog outputs with 600 resistance Ohms fully configurable, and an option of relay modules increasing up to 64 relays per GMA 200 MT System (using 4 additional modules of relays). With an operating temperature range from -10 to 50 °C, microSD slot registration capabilities, and independently configurable logging functions for each channel, the GMA 200 is easy to use and provides accurate results. The device also has a digital LCD display with 5 buttons and LED indicators for status, alarms, and relay status (a total of 16 LEDs), mini USB connection for parameter configuration via software with the option to save different configurations, 20-30 VDC current operation, and easy DIN-Rail mounting. A connection for siren and strobe light is also available.

GMA 200 Panel Control Series

The GMA 200-MT is a scalable and expandable gas detection system that can control up to 16 gas transmitters (sensors). It is compatible with GfG transmitters for combustible, toxic, and oxygen sensors and has a detection range in PPM, % LEL, % Vol, or mg/m3 depending on the sensor. It features analog and digital inputs, 6 output relays, and 2 4-20 MA analog outputs. The system has 3 independent alarms for each measuring point, and the microSD slot allows for configurable logging capabilities. The system also includes a digital LCD display, siren, and integrated light for alarms. It operates on 110 V AC and has a NEMA 4x protection grade. Optional gateway modules allow integration into existing networks.


The GMA 200-MW4 is a compact and cost-effective gas monitoring solution for small facilities. It can monitor up to four transmitters simultaneously, which can be connected analog or digitally. The controller can measure combustible and toxic gases as well as oxygen with detection ranges depending on the sensor. It has six internal relays and can expand to 64 relays with additional modules. The GMA 200-MW4 has three independent alarms for each measuring point, a microSD slot for registration, and a digital LCD display with LED indicators. The controller has an IP65 protection grade and operates on 20-30 VDC current.

GMA 200 RT

This is a relay module designed to increase the capacity and number of relays in a fixed detection system such as the GMA 200 MT controller. With up to 16 programmable relays, each output relay has a change contact and classification of 3 A/250 V or 3 A/V DC. The digital LCD display comes with five buttons and LED indicators for status, alarms, and relay condition (a total of 19 LEDs). The relay module can be connected to the controller through the RS 485 module and operated through 20-30 VDC current. It is easy to mount on a DIN rail and has an operating temperature of -10 to 50 °C and humidity of 0-99% RH (not condensable).


This is an integrated controller designed for fixed gas detection systems, capable of handling up to 16 channels and compatible with GfG transmitters for fuel, toxic and oxygen sensors. It offers various output options such as relays, analogue outputs, and RS 485. The detection range depends on the sensor in ppm, % LEL, % Vol, or mg/m3. The device has 16 analogue inputs, two digital inputs, and two RS 485 inputs. It has six output relays for measurements, one output relay for faults, and two 4-20 mA analogue outputs. The device has three independent alarms for each measuring point, is temperature resistant from -20 to 50 °C, and has a degree of protection of IP65. The device has a microSD slot for recording capabilities, digital LCD display with 5 buttons, and LED indicators. The device can be operated with a 20-30 VDC current.

Dynagard 25 Series

This product is an all-in-one system for measuring oxygen or carbon dioxide with a single-channel controller and integrated transmitter. It uses Zirconium Oxidation Technology for oxygen measurement or NDIR Technology for carbon dioxide measurement. The detection range is 0-25% Vol for oxygen and 0-5% Vol for carbon dioxide, with an expected lifespan of 5 years or more for both sensors. The system has a digital LED display and LED indicators for status, alarms, and relay condition. It also has three alarm levels that can be configured by the user, three alarm relays, and one fault relay, as well as an analog output signal of 4-20 mA. It operates on 24 VDC current and has a degree of protection of NEMA 4X. The system comes with a siren and integrated light for audible and visual alarms.

ION Models

ION Science Ltd is a top manufacturer of advanced gas detection equipment and OEM PID Gas Sensors. Their instruments and sensors use pioneering gas sensing technology to provide customers with reliable monitoring capabilities, even in harsh environments. With a portfolio of innovative products, ION Science Ltd is dedicated to providing customers with the most advanced gas sensing solutions available on the market.


The Titan Specific Benzene Monitor is a wall-mounted, continuous, real-time benzene specific monitor designed for petrochemical environments. With a dynamic range detecting benzene for 0.1 – 20 ppm, the instrument samples gas from the environment once per minute and displays an accurate benzene measurement within just 60 seconds. Titan incorporates two relay outputs allowing the operator to install their own required alarm system, as well as continuous, real-time measurement that allows trends over time to be monitored and communicated via 4-20 mA or RS485. Titan incorporates Ion Science market leading MiniPID sensor technology with proven resistance to humidity and contamination, ensuring optimal performance in all environments. Titan can be used across a wide range of industries and applications, including oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, and health and safety.


The Falco VOC detector is a fixed, continuous monitor for detecting a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using patented photoionisation detection (PID) technology. The device has a measuring range of 0-10/50.0/1000/3000 PPM with a response time of 60 seconds (T90) and provides 4-10 mA, RS485, USB and two relay outputs. Its innovative “typhoon technology” safeguards the PID sensor from condensing moisture and it has patented Fence Electrode Technology to remove the effects of airborne humidity and protect from contamination. The detector features a high-contrast OLED display, status indicator LEDs, and an intuitive menu with magnetic operation and LED confirmation. It operates on 12-40 VDC input voltage and is approved as intrinsically safe equipment.


This is a fixed gas sensor designed for continuous monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using PID technology. It has a measuring range of 0-10/100/1000 ppm and a response time of 5 seconds (T90) for Isobutylene. The sensor has a 4-20 mA output and an optional sample system with a pump for up to 30 meters. The device has a 7-segment, 4-digit LCD display and 4 color LEDs, with an intuitive menu for easy operation. It requires an input voltage of 5-28 VDC and has approval as intrinsically safe equipment. This device is ideal for indoor environments with several outputs that can be integrated into a control system, manufacturing industries, food processing, petrochemical industry, Oil & Gas, water treatment plants, indoor air quality, chemical plants, pharmaceuticals, laboratories, Storage of chemical products, painting process among others.


Sensidyne is a well-established manufacturer and distributor of gas detection and air sampling instrumentation. They offer a broad range of products to process, manufacturing and infrastructure industries worldwide, including air monitoring instrumentation, fixed gas detection, sound and vibration measurement, and heat stress analysis. With over 35 years of experience, Sensidyne has become a technology leader in fixed gas detection, providing high-quality products, expert customer service, and technical support. Their brands include Gilian, BDX, SensAlert, SensAlarm, Sensidyne Colorimetric Gas Detector Tubes, and more. Sensidyne is committed to providing reliable and cutting-edge technology to ensure the safety of people and the environment.


SensAir is an industrial-grade fixed point gas detector that can detect toxic gas, combustible gas, and oxygen deficiency in a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. This rugged and cost-effective device is approved for use in hazardous areas and features fast-responding sensors, a bright LED display, and non-intrusive zero & span adjustments. SensAir is easy to install and maintain, making it ideal for retrofit or new applications, and comes in a variety of models with options for Modbus or BACnet output and three additional relays. It can be installed horizontally or vertically and has a field-replaceable sensor.

SensAlert ASI

SensAlert ASI is a gas detector designed for critical safety applications. It is third-party certified to IEC61508 Level 2 (SIL-2) for both hardware and software and is globally approved for hazardous area and performance standards. It offers versatile protection for toxic and combustible gas detection as well as oxygen monitoring. The instrument platform is easy to install, commission, operate, and maintain, with common installation for each point and removable plug-type terminal blocks to simplify wiring and commissioning. It also offers transportable calibration and a Sensor Calibration & Exchange Program for savings on maintenance and supply costs.

SensAlarm Plus

This product is an all-in-one gas metering system that includes a transmitter and one of the family sensors from Sensidyne. The system is compact and has a LCD display, strobe light, horn alarm, and other output options such as 4-20 mA and relays. It can measure toxic compounds, explosives, oxygen, and other gases. The system also has an indication of the remaining percentage of sensor life and auto-recognition of the sensor type. It can be mounted in ducts and used for remote sensing. The system requires a 20-30 VDC current connection and has a backup battery option. Optional Modbus RJ485 is available.


This is an integrated four-channel basic gas detection controller designed to monitor up to 4 detection points in a basic gas detection system. The controller features a high-brightness LCD display and LED indicators for each channel, and an automatic identification system for connected sensors. The controller also includes a strobe alarm and horn alarm, 12 SPDT alarm relays, and 4-20mA outputs with an RS-485 option for Modbus, enabling the controller to be integrated into a control system. It operates on 24 VDC power connection.

7100 Controller

The Sensidyne 7100 Controller is a versatile gas detection system that can integrate up to 8 or 16 channels of gas detection with minimal user set-up. The system comes with input tags, names, and types assigned, and alarm levels set. It also features an LCD graphic display that provides bar graph, trending, and troubleshooting modes, making it easy to configure and operate.

The system includes common alarm and horn relays and supports optional discrete alarm relays. It can be operated with 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 24 VDC and is housed in a NEMA 4X, UL Listed Enclosure, making it suitable for a range of applications.

7200 Controller

The Model 7200 is a controller designed for multipoint monitoring applications that need centralized display and alarm functions. It comes with a large color LCD display, data logging, and multiple communication options, including wireless. With expandable configurations from 16 to 64 channels, this controller provides simultaneous display and alarm functions. It can accept up to 64 inputs of different types, and has Ethernet with Modbus TCP Master/Slave and wireless interface with Modbus options.

The controller features discrete, configurable alarms with grouping, voting, and acknowledgement functions, and five standard SPDT 5-amp common alarm relays, including Horn and Fault. The unit is password protected and comes with a one-year datalogging function onto SD memory card. The controller also features a magnetic keypad for non-intrusive interface in potentially hazardous locations and a webserver for remote configuration, interface, and monitoring.

9000 Controller

This product is called the Model 9000 Dual and Quad Channel Display/Alarm Controllers, which is designed to display and alarm up to four monitored variables simultaneously. The product comes in both two (Dual) or four (Quad) channel versions and features a graphic LCD display for monitored data as bar graphs, 30 minute trends, and engineering units.

The 9000 has three adjustable alarm levels per channel and relay outputs to control beacons, horns, and other alarm events. The device is user-friendly and easy to configure with measurement ranges in engineering units, adjustable alarm set-points, optional serial interfaces, and many other features. The device is CSA approved for Class I, Div 2, and accepts two or four 4-20 mA inputs with a graphic backlit LCD display. Additionally, the product provides 24VDC power and has an RS-485 Modbus RTU output.

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6590 W Rogers Circle Suite# 11&12
Boca Raton – FL 33487

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